7 Tips to Keep Your Teen Daughter Safe from Date Rape

5. Teach her how people can use ‘rape drugs’ to take advantage

It’s very important to teach your daughter about rape drugs which are used commonly to make such attacks. Tell her how easy it is to mix such drugs in drinks/cocktails. Let her know of the dangers that follow every time she accepts drinks from strangers. The more aware she’ll be of such things, the more cautious she’ll be in choosing her friends.

6. Teach her to trust her instincts and to not give in to peer pressure

Tell her to always trust her instincts. If she senses some danger or feels suspicious about someone, she should take help immediately. Boost her self esteem and confidence. Tell her not to give in to peer pressure and do things she might not be comfortable doing.

7. Keep a check on her outings

Don’t intrude so much into her privacy that she feels stifled. But at the same time, do ensure that you keep a check on her friends and her parties. You should at least know where she is going and with which friends is she hanging out with. Make her understand that you need to know these things for her safety.

It’s better to be safe than sorry. Teach your daughter the same to ensure her safety.

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