7 Things You Didn’t Know About Demi Lovato

5. Pet puppy

Many of you perhaps don’t know this but Lovato has a cute little furry puppy named Oliver with brown coat and black fur. She loves her puppy and enjoys playing with him after her concerts.

6. Eating disorder

Demi Lovato had a bipolar eating disorder and is very conscious of her body image. However, she has managed herself very efficiently by doing regular workouts, boxing, yoga and meditation. She had also been in a rehabilitation center to deal with her problem.

7. The Anti-Bullying Campaign

Mean girls seriously damage the integrity and self-respect of the so-called “unpopular” students. Lovato’s personal experiences in school encouraged her to be a part of the anti-bullying campaign to help girls stand up to the bullies and hold an equal position in the school.

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