7 Reasons Why Women Fall Out of Love

5. Boredom

In relationships, boredom can be a culmination of all the above mentioned factors including not spending enough time together, having skewed priorities, lack of spontaneity and being less communicative. Women may become bored in their relationship when they don’t feel special.

6. Lack of effort

A relationship is like a garden than needs constant tending, special care and attention. If men don’t put enough effort in nurturing their relationship and ensuring that their loved one is happy, women could be put off. If a woman feels that all the efforts are one sided and she is the only one going that extra mile for the sake of the relationship, she is likely to fall out of love soon.

7. Infidelity

Women may instantly fall out of love if issues of infidelity start surfacing. If a woman gets even a slight sniff of her man straying, thinking about another woman or being tempted by another woman, she may become unforgiving. Infidelity can be the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

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