7 Reasons Why Madonna is Famous

5. Creative and edgy videos

She may not have direct and full creative control, but has always made sure her videos are hot, edgy and sexy and stand out from the numerous other music videos.

6. Savvy businesswoman

How else can she remain so popular and famous after almost four decades in the industry? She has created a brand and constantly keeps adapting to the changing times.

7. Sex appeal

She was the reigning sex goddess in her prime. There were a lot of men who had a poster of her in their rooms in the eighties and still think fondly of her. She might not have that appeal anymore, but still has retained a lot of fans.
Lover her or hate her. You just can’t miss her. She is around even after years and still famous and very popular around the world. Her songs or her ability to shock even the most open minded person, whatever the reasons, the truth is that her popularity has not been diminished even by competition from much younger stars.

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