7 Dating Myths that Should be Totally Ditched

5. “Dumb down yourself”

It’s a myth that intelligent women intimidate men. In today’s modern world where one needs an intelligent partner to work and help in finances, men would readily accept a woman who is more intellectual than them. Don’t dumb yourself down thinking you will appear cute or more accommodating under any circumstances.

6. “Settle for someone fast”

Yes women have that biological clock ticking away but this doesn’t mean that you settle for someone who only fulfills half of the criteria that you set for your Mr. Right. It’s better to have babies by other methods than have it with someone whom you know is not going to last long. Don’t compromise on your priorities just because society says so.

7. “Wait for that spark”

This is a thing that pop culture and media have been obsessing over since decades. In reality, you don’t feel the ‘spark’, the ‘sixth sense’ or the love at first sight that couples in movies do. In fact, studies have shown that if you get really attracted to someone at first glance, it mostly doesn’t work out in the long run. Don’t ditch a sweet guy just because everything is in place except for the so called media created fireworks.

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