6 Worst Eating Habits to Break Free From

4. Skipping big meals

Having small meals throughout the day is a good idea, but skipping big meals is not. Do you skip lunch or dinner to have small meals? Do not do that, lunch is important as it provides all the essential nutrients and vitamins, which cannot be replaced by small meal options. Do not skip lunch or dinner; rather have both the meals in a balanced way.

5. Eating while watching TV

Most of us sit in front of TV to have our meals, but this is a bad habit. Eating while watching television can result in mindless eating, so this is not healthy for the body. While eating, always switch off the TV and chew the food properly to help convenient process of digestion.

6. Not having enough water

Water is essential for the body, but you should actually sip it throughout the day. Water is important to flush out all the unwanted toxins from the body. Make it a point to have at least 2-3 liters of water throughout the day.

Now you know about some worst eating habits, do break free from them to stay healthy and fit.

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