6 Ways to Relieve Anger

4. Recall a funny incident

Sometimes it helps taking your mind off from a situation that made you angry. You can recall something funny that happened at your office or at home. Recall the entire incident and run it over and over in your head until you feel your anger subsiding.

5. Go for a walk

Taking a stroll in the nearby park can help you relieve anger. You can play your favorite tracks on your iPod, get in your most comfortable pair of shoes and go on for a brief walk. Walking within the realms of nature has a calm and soothing effect and can effectively help to control anger.

6. Treat yourself

You can enjoy your most favorite delicacy to take your mind away from the person or thing that made you mad. Savor the taste and try to feel relaxed. It can go a long way in curing your anger bouts.

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TAGS: anger, anger management techniques, count backwards, More