6 Tips to Prevent Memories of Your Past Relationship from Affecting Your Future

6 Tips to Prevent Memories of Your Past Relationship from Affecting Your Future

Getting over an ex boyfriend is quite a difficult emotional experience. This is especially because girls are emotional creatures who hang on to blissful memories for long. The only way to move ahead in life should be to prevent memories of your past relationships from affecting your future. Here’s what you can do.

1. Stop discussing about the ex

Well this should be your first step. A rather difficult one but if you manage to stop talking and discussing about him, the time spent with him with your friends over and over again a lot of your pain will evaporate and you will move forward a much happier girl.

2. Delete him from your social media profiles

This could seem drastic and immature to you but do it if necessary. Delete him or block him from your Facebook profile. Get rid of him on instant messengers and mobile chat apps like BBM, Whats app. Empty your mobile phone from the messages he had sent you. Reading them will only jeopardize your present.

3. Discard his belongings

You may possess small little things of his like a pen or a handkerchief or a tee shirt. Once you are out of the initial sulking mode and you are sure there is no way to get back, get rid of all things that remind you of him.

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TAGS: belongings, breakup advice, breakup tips, More