6 Tips to Deal With Negative Feedback from Your Boss

Tips to Deal With Negative Feedback from Your Boss

After mothers, come the bosses, they say. Bosses always find out what you are up to, when you check in and when you log out. Whether you are saying the truth or not, whether you finished your work on time or got it done from someone else, etc., everything is cleverly supervised by the boss. For an unknown and strange reason, nothing escapes the boss’ eye. Whatever the scenario, a boss out of his basic nature always gives negative feedback. Here are a few tips to deal with it.

1. Don’t react immediately

In most cases, the speech and tone of negative feedback will be harsh and naturally you will feel angry and the need to defend your actions. But remember that reacting instantly will only worsen the situation. Just absorb the data at that time and leave the boss’ cabin.

2. Determine the nature of feedback

Feedback can either be constructive or destructive. If you feel that the feedback given to you will help you improve and enhance your performance, take it in your stride. But if the criticism is meant to put you down or avenge personal vendetta, you should either pay no mind to it or report it to superiors.

3. Give it a thought

Nobody likes criticism and very few can handle it with the right spirit. Even if you feel that the criticism is unnecessary, you should still take the time to assess and evaluate it. You never know something better might actually result out of it.

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Photo Courtesy : Julin Haler
TAGS: boss, destructive, nature of feedback, More