6 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Bloating

4. Have potassium-rich foods

Potassium helps in balancing the fluid ratio in the body, preventing bloating. So it is good to eat potassium rich foods like bananas, mangoes, spinach, tomatoes and asparagus for great results. Also, asparagus contains asparagine, an amino acid that helps in flushing out excess liquid from the system.

5. Apply pressure

Well, this is the last thing you want to do, but try applying pressure on your stomach to remove gas. You can massage the abdomen gently towards your gastrointestinal tract in a circular motion, and you will feel good relief from bloating problems.

6. Say ‘no’ to starchy food

Starchy food items trigger bloat, so it is better to avoid them. Common starchy foods like rice, potatoes, oats, corn and wheat should be a strict no. Fruits and vegetables should also not be consumed without boiling, as these will not get digested properly.

Apart from these quick tips, some exercises like lying on your back and raising your leg at a ninety degree angle will also help to fight bloating woes. In brief, if ever you suffer from a bloating problem, you need not rush to a doctor or a medical store, but just to your kitchen and make a quick medicine for the problem. Follow these simple ways and say good bye to bloats.

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