6 Everyday Things to Treat Acne

4. Food masks

Making food masks out of baking soda, honey, oatmeal, yogurt or potato slices are considered to be common remedies to treat acne. You can apply either mashed eggs, cold pressed olive oil, yogurt or potato slices directly on your skin, leave for 10 minutes and then wash your face off. You can also make face masks by making a mix of one part of baking soda with one part of water. Leave it for ten minutes and wash your face off. You can make face masks in the same way by mixing oatmeal or apple cider vinegar.

5. Relax

Meditating and relaxing are the things you can do on a daily basis to reduce stress, which is one of the major factors causing acne. Have you noticed a breakout on a random day just before you have an important exam, presentation or a date? That’s because the body releases hormones to combat stress which in turn cause more oil production on skin. So one of the things you can do to reduce stress and acne on a daily basis is to relax and rejuvenate.

6. Wear makeup only when you need it

Women who are prone to acne should bid makeup goodbye, using it only when it is extremely necessary. Makeup contains chemicals which block pores of the skin and make it more prone to growth of bacteria. It does not allow the skin to breathe and accelerates the growth of dead skin cells if it is not removed in a timely manner. Many beauty experts say the mineral or organic makeup has less negative impact on skin. If you must use makeup, remove it as soon as you don’t need it.

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TAGS: acne, baking soda, block hair follicles, More