5 Ways to Pamper Skin Before Bedtime

4. Drink lots of water before you go to sleep

Water keeps your body and skin well hydrated. It also cleanses the body of toxins that get piled up with food and alcohol and other stuff through the day. A glass of water before you go to bed is more than enough.

5. Moisturize your skin

If you are staying in a place where the weather is dry, your skin too becomes dry and chaffed. Before it can create problems for you, you should moisturize it every night. You can use a moisturizer or apply oil throughout your body. If you are using oil try to use non sticky oil so you do not mess up your sheets.

If you do not have the time or if you are feeling too lazy, the least you can do for your skin is to wash it thoroughly. Washing unclogs the pores and removes the dirt from your body. It also makes you feel fresher and helps you sleep better, especially if you soak yourself in warm water.

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