5 Ways to Motivate Your Kids to Study

4. Get them into the habit of reading

Millions of books and novels of different genres are available for people of all age groups. Get your child into an early habit of reading. Right from childhood, you can begin by reading bedtime stories for them, and once they learn to read themselves, make sure they carry on with the reading. Reading good novels can create a love towards books which one cannot let go off. This way, when they have to study for school, those books will not haunt them away.\

5. Play games while teaching

Games are always fun. Take advantage of this and teach them important concepts with the help of games. This is really simple and only requires a little bit of creativity from your end, and you can come up with games of your own to relate to any subject. Simple quiz games, scrabble, or treasure hunt based on what they have learned at school can make studying a lot more fun.

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