5 Ways to Lose Tummy Fat

4. Watch what you eat

Keep a tab or better still maintain an list of foods you should and should not consume to bring down tummy fat. Bring down the usage of salad dressings, vegetable oils, butter, cheese, mayonnaise and high fat meat. Switch to skimmed milk and quit whole milk. Include more fiber rich food, vegetables and fruits. Proteins are the easiest to digest and they help to convert into energy for the body. Therefore, their quantity should be increased in daily intake. Avoid red meat, refined sugars and sodas.

5. Stay motivated and consistent

You may have noticed that a best-in-class diet plan and a successful fitness trainer may at times not yield desired results. This is largely not because of the inefficacy of the two but due to lack of consistency and motivation by the individual intending to lose weight. Results cannot be noticed overnight. What took several months to build will naturally take some time to break down. It is therefore important to stay motivated and consistent in your fitness approach to derive full proof and effective tummy fat loss.

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