5 Tips to Get into a Casual Relationship

4. Draw the line between infatuation and love

Since we are all human beings, we develop feelings for each other quickly. At any point of time you feel that you are falling for your partner, get to know if it’s just infatuation or love. Cut off all ties from the person and avoid your partner for a few days. If you miss that person, it means you have genuinely developed a feeling. Watch out if your partner gets back to you, and if it happens, then probably you can think of a serious relationship. On the other hand, if you do not miss your partner, then dismiss it as mere infatuation.

5. Stay within boundaries

Well, though there are minimal rules in a casual relationship, ensure that you do not poke your partner with questions related to his/her other flings or hook ups. You cannot or do not have any right to do that. If at any point of time, you feel your partner is controlling you or monitoring the people you meet, get it cleared at the earliest. Let your partner know how you feel about it.

Remember, casual relationships are for those who just want some serious fun and can take up challenges. If the sensitive lot falls prey to it, it can end up as a huge mess. So, know what you want and tread carefully.

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