5 Things To Know About Wedding Gift Etiquette

4. Wedding gifts should be appropriate to your relationship with the couple

This wedding gift etiquette is about knowing your relationship and bond with the bride and the groom and gifting accordingly. “You’ll appear like a complete cheapskate if you give a flimsy $50 gift to your best friend on their wedding. On the other hand, a $500 gift for a distant relative that you’ve not met often is just silly. Give wedding gifts that are appropriate to your relationship with the people who are going to get married”, said Kristin. We think this point about wedding gift etiquette is well made, don’t you?

5. Deliver your gift to the couple’s home if it is big

“I was shocked when someone gifted my sister a large sculpture on her wedding. Mind you, the sculpture was beautiful and my sister loved it. But did they think that my sister was going to bring a truck to her wedding? How was she going to take it home?”, asked Kristin. We found this situation quite amusing. We should all remember this wedding gift etiquette and deliver large presents to the couple’s residence rather than bringing them to the wedding. Wouldn’t you agree?

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