5 Steps To Stop Over Spending

4. Keep records of your spending

I suggest that keeping a record of your spending habits is an easy way to stop over spending. Because from what I felt, a couple of weeks down the line you will, realize how much you are over spending. You will feel silly! Of course, that’s not the point, the point is to be driven to a point of self realization when you will go “Shit I’m over spending. I need to stop!” You know what my answer was when I was asked to keep a tab? I said “Oh I can’t be bothered to write all my daily expenses down in a diary. I don’t have time for all that”. My brother stepped in and introduced me to spreadsheets. Yep, took me 2 minutes every day to note down how much I had spent and where I spent it. I tell you, two weeks down the line I looked back at that spreadsheet and I sunk in a pool of anger and thought – “Why did I overspend?” So for all you lazy bums, technology is here to help and there are many ways you can record your daily spending. Use a diary, use a computer, use a log book, use whatever you want, but keep a record and come back to it at the end of every week.

5. Accept the problem and seek help

I know it is tough. I’ve been through it. It feels like hitting a brick wall at 100 miles per hour. It feels bad and is a massive hit to your self-esteem. I’m going to tell you the most important thing you need to know about your over spending habit – the sooner you stop, the better it is. Accept that you have a problem. If it is getting out of hand, seek help. Seek help from family, friends, colleagues, or seek professional help. I sought the help of my family. They have been my backbone in my struggle to free myself from the habit. I suggest that you do the same. It needs a lot of guts to go and speak to someone about it, but you’ll be glad you did.

Over spending is a nasty habit and can destroy lives and families. Financial trouble is one of the highest factors causing divorces. So whether you are just beginning to get into the habit of over spending, or are deep into it, it is never too late. Free yourself from all those credit cards and get your life back! My top five steps are just the start. You need to stop spending, and start saving. Wish you all the luck!

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