5 Natural Remedies for Skin Rash

4. Aloe vera

Healing properties of aloe vera is well known. Best known as a sun burn cure, aloe vera is a great remedy for any kind of skin rashes. Take the gel from the aloe-leaf and rub it on to the rash area. It is a great moisturizer and powerful healer. Its rich antioxidant property and nutritional quality is a great benefit for the skin. It soothes skin, cures itching and swelling.

5. Oatmeal

Anti-inflammatory oatmeal is yet another natural remedy for skin rashes. Commonly used for treating rashes caused by poisonous plants or eczema, oatmeal cures itching also. Just add some water to a pot of uncooked oatmeal and let it soak fully. Once it becomes soft, apply it on to the itchy area. This is a great cure for skin rashes.

Skin rashes can be treated effectively and economically from home using these natural remedies. Essential oils like lavender and chamomile also work great to cure skin rashes.

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