5 Myths that Commitment Phobes Have About Marriage

4. Routine

Some phobes believe that marriage is equivalent to school, with the exception of bunking classes and having fun. They think it is the same thing every day, over and over again. This is clearly not true. Marriage, like life, is a journey full of ups and downs. You never know what turn it takes the very next instant.

5. No Love

All the wooing, the seducing, the romance goes to trash when you get married. Hence having a wedding ruins everything. This is a myth all commitment phobes share. On the contrary, marriage solidifies love, it epitomizes romance. Committing to someone for the rest of your life is drawing on the strength that only true love can provide.

With love, anything can be changed. Surely these myths of the commitment phobes can be busted. All it would take is a little patience, some effort, and a whole lot of love.

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