5 Hairstyle Mistakes To Avoid

5 Hairstyle Mistakes To Avoid

Are you fond of changing your hairstyle every season? Although that’s a lovely thing to do, we’d like to warn you about mistakes that you should avoid making with new hairstyles. We say this because we’ve seen many people go wrong with it. Here we go.

1. Don’t let your bangs cross your eyes

If you think this is cool, get your head clear, girls. Hair coming in your eyes is obviously inconvenient. Such bangs also look weird and shabby. You don’t want to give other people the impression that you’re tacky about hair trims and hair care, do you?

2. Don’t use very elaborate headgear

It’s all right to see Paris Hilton carry off all sorts of weird hairdos with headgear, but that makes sense because she’s…..Paris Hilton! But if you think your fancy headgear will create a wave in the next party, you’re mistaken. Elaborate head gears are tacky.

3. Don’t bake your hair with styling products

Did you know there are some hairstyles that are possible only if you maintain them with excessive hairspray and styling products to keep them intact? We suggest you don’t opt for these hairstyles in the first place. They will look nice when new, but excessive styling will start making your hair brittle over a period of time.

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Photo Courtesy : Evil Erin
TAGS: bouffant, hair care advice, hair care mistakes, More