5 Exercises You Can Do at Work

4. Meditate

The most private and inconspicuous exercise you can give yourself. Although it is exercising your mind to remain calm and drive out stress, you will be surprised how a few minutes of closing your eyes can relax your body. Doing this will also help you to concentrate better at the task in hand.

5. Massage your wrists and fingers

You might think your wrists and fingers get constant exercise because you are typing most of the time. While it is true they move the most at work, it is also true, that those are the regions that are also stressed out a lot. Massage them gently for a few minutes between your work to ease away the pain that will be building up.

Finally, put up your feet once in a while. If you can, you can do it on the desk. Since this would be frowned upon in many places. Get a chair, put it under your desk and stretch your legs. Your legs will feel great and you will also be changing sitting positions. When your posture changes, your back too wouldn’t be too stiff any longer. If you are not motivated to do these simple exercises at work, you can ask some of your colleagues to join and you can turn this into a five minutes session every day.

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