4 Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

An emotionally abusive relationship is as poisonous as a relationship with physical abuse. Spotting an emotional abuse is harder for there are no prominent signs of the damage. One needs to realize that abuse is against humanity, and no one has the right to abuse anyone in any way, or in any form, for all of us are unique and equal. Here are signs of an emotionally abusive relationship. If you are in one or know someone who is in such a relationship, get out or help them get out of it.

1. Distancing from everyone else

When someone who is in a relationship starts to withdraw from things he/she loves, family and friends; stops attending social events without any concrete reason, it is a huge sign that they are in a relationship which is emotionally abusive. Feeling guilty about petty things and detaching from dear ones are other signs that they are in an emotionally abusive relationship.

2. One seems lost, scared or too jumpy

An emotionally abusive relationship usually involves threatening or emotional blackmailing of some sort. Manipulating someone so that they are the ones feeling guilty, twisting things to such an extent that someone is not able to figure out anything is bound to make someone feel lost and scared..

3.Lopsided Personality

If someone has become an incessant subservient, in other words, a big pushover, then it is a sign that they are in a relationship that is emotionally abusive. In such a relationship, one is manipulated into agreeing with their partner without even being aware of the fact that he/she is being manipulated. This is the reason it is so hard to identify an emotionally abusive relationship.

4.Change in priorities

In a relationship that is emotionally abusive, the one being abused gets entangled so deeply in a relationship that he/she completely puts their partner on a pedestal. Their partner can do anything and yet they remain the first priority. No matter how important any task is, their partner comes first. The one who is emotionally abused in a relationship tend to become a second priority in their own life.

There you have it. If you have seen these signs, you know that the relationship is an emotionally abusive one. Take the required action, immediately!

Photo Courtesy : bulinna
TAGS: abusive, abusive relationship, emotional blackmail, More