4 Cool New Low Budget Dating Ideas

3. Home date

So you thought that having your boyfriend over and cooking for him meant taking the relationship to the next level. Wrong, it is mostly a good way to save some money while creating a special experience! Meeting up at home accords you a much greater degree of intimacy and privacy and moreover you have complete control over the menu. What’s more, your better half is going to be touched by your effort and you are going to win oodles of brownie points. Of course, there is the extra effort of grocery shopping and cooking, but who said love was easy?

4. Promotions and coupons

While the above ideas hinge around trying to substitute the fine dining experience with low cost alternatives, truth is, there is no real substitute for the perfect night out. This can be accomplished with a little planning and forward thinking. There are a number of promotional deals available for various restaurants/movie halls etc. You have to be on the lookout for them and buy them whenever an appropriate one comes along. This can also include on visiting museums and galleries on free admission nights. You can then plan your date accordingly and have a fantastic night out. With the money saved you can get your date something nice and totally win them over!

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