20 Signs That He Likes You Back

11. He sings for you

Friends, there couldn’t be a clearer or louder sign for you to know that he likes you back. If he’s picked up the guitar or the piano just to be able to sing to you, he is on his way to fall in love with you!

12. He calls you for no reason

If your crush calls you just to hear your voice for no real reason, he’s trying to give you a sign that he likes you back and wants to date you.

13. He introduces you to his family

A guy wouldn’t be introducing you to his family members unless he’s trying to give you a sign that he likes you back a lot. He’s taking it to the next level by involving you in the personal side of his life.

14. He brags about you to his friends

If you’ve got reports from your guy’s friends about him constantly bragging about you, don’t be surprised. It’s just a clear sign that he likes you back.

15. He is nervous

It’s not unusual for guys to get fidgety and nervous when they are around girls. But, if your crush looks conscious every time he meets you, it’s a clear sign that he likes you back.

16. He talks about his dreams and ambitions

Why would a guy talk about his dreams and ambitions to a girl unless he’s giving her a sign of liking her back? That’s because he sees you in his future!

17. He makes sure you’re comfortable

Does your crush open the door for you? Does he stop you from paying bills when you guys meet at a restaurant? Does he pick you up every time you’re going out? No prizes for saying that these are signs he really likes you back.

18. He treats you differently than other girls

You will immediately be able to make out if he treats you in a special way, different from the rest of the girls. He’s just trying to make it an obvious sign that he likes you back.

19. He brings out the best in him

Giving a sign that he likes you back means that he will be on his best behavior, best dressing and best etiquettes. After all, he will be on a mission to impress you, isn’t it?

20. He will want to know everything about you

A typical sign that your guy likes you back is that he will use all his possible sources to know every little detail about you. It’s his way of showing affection towards you.

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TAGS: affection, ambitions, behavior, More