15 Interesting Superstitions From Around The World


Superstitions, also confused with myths, are basically irrational beliefs that exist due to fear of something supernatural or ignorance or both. Check out some common superstitions that have been followed all over the world by human beings for centuries.

1. Black cat

It is believed that if a black cat crosses your path, you shouldn’t go in that direction. If you do, your day will turn out bad.

2. Wedding cake under the pillow

If an unmarried girl, after a wedding, places a piece of the wedding cake under her pillow, she will dream about her wedding and her future husband that night.

3. Rocking chair

It is considered unlucky to rock a rocking chair that is not occupied by someone.

4. Howling dogs

If you hear the sound of dogs howling, it is believed that someone is going to die.

5. Walking under a ladder

If you walk under a ladder, it will bring bad luck to you and your family.

6. Itchy palm

If your palm feels itchy, it is believed that money will come your way.

7. Bridesmaid stumbling

It is believed that if a bridesmaid stumbles while walking down the aisle towards the alter, she will never be able to find true love.

8. Bride’s pins

If the bride gets pricked by a pin, it is considered bad omen. On the contrary, bridal pins bring good luck to an unmarried girl, who gets all of them.

9. Horseshoe

If a person finds a horseshoe, he/she is believed to be blessed by lady luck.

10.Gold fishes

Apparently, having gold fishes in a tank at your place is bad luck. However, having gold fishes in a pond is good luck.

11. Baby’s hair

If you keep a lock of your baby’s hair safe after his or her first haircut, it brings good luck.

12. Broken Mirror

If you break a mirror, you will suffer from bad luck for at least 7 years.

13. Friday, the 13th

If the 13th of a month comes on a Friday, the day is considered ominous since it is a day when all the evil spirits are out.

14. Cutting nails

In certain cultures, it is believed that cutting nails at night brings bad luck.

15. Spilling of salt

The spilling of salt is believed to cause a fight in the house.

These are some superstitions that are believed by different people around the world. There is no evidence to prove them right. In spite of that, people still believe them.

Photo Courtesy : woodleywonderworks
TAGS: black cat, cutting nails, friday, More