15 Ways to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight

9. Look at before and after photos of success stories

You will find many before and after pictures of people who have successfully managed to lose weight in a limited period of time. Draw inspiration from such people and imagine your own before and after picture in your head to feel motivated to achieve that goal.

10. Keep a weighing scale in your bathroom

Losing weight cannot happen overnight. But weighing yourself before a shower every week will serve as a constant reminder that you need to lose weight. You may not see a drastic change in your weight overnight but you will be on your toes to keep up with your weight loss schedule.

11. Read about obesity related problems

You can keep yourself motivated to lose weight by reading about the health problems caused by obesity. You are likely to get freaked out by doing so, but it will act as a warning sign for potential health problems and you will feel desperate to lose weight quickly.

12. Read inspiring quotes about exercising

Your mind plays a big part in keeping you motivated to do anything in life. If you want to channel your mind’s energies on losing weight, feed it with inspiring quotes on exercise, sports and success. Reading a quote every day will give you enough reasons to shed those extra pounds.

13. Use color to feel motivated

Experts say that colors can play a huge role in whetting your appetite or suppressing it. It is known that orange can increase your appetite where as dark colors like blue can decrease it. You can try this quirky way to remain motivated to lose weight by using dark colored cutlery and table liners so that you naturally feel the urge to eat less.

14. Write down how you will feel after losing weight

At the end of each week, write down how you will feel after you achieve your weight loss target. It could be having the freedom to eat whatever you want, fit into your old jeans or get compliments at work. Imagining the potential happiness you will get when you lose weight will make you work towards it with more persistence.

15. Get yourself a good music collection to exercise or dance to

You may be facing a roadblock in losing weight because you haven’t made your ambience exciting enough. Arm yourself with a good music collection which includes tracks with good beats and fast rhythm. This will make your workout regimen a lot more fun.

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