15 Reasons Why Having a Boyfriend is Fun

9. You don’t feel awkward with couple friends

When your other couple friends are planning double dates or couple parties, you don’t feel left out. Moreover, you don’t feel awkward when your friends are getting engaged or married, because in a way, you have a partner too, at least for the time being.

10. You’re learning about being together

When you date someone, you get to know a lot about handling people, their moods, and how to live together peacefully. This, in a way, trains you for marriage. And if you are anyway serious about your boyfriend, then this could be like a blueprint of your life together with him. This is a great learning experience.

11. You get monetarily relaxed

Yes, boyfriends love to pamper their girls. So you’re bound to get dresses and dates, without spending too much of your own money. And even if both of you are keen on paying on some occasions, the costs get split. So you end up saving a lot of money, and don’t have to crush your heart’s desires every time you see a new bag or dress!

12. He’ll never judge you

Whether you are drunk and he has to carry you back home, or whether you sleep in male boxers, he’s never going to judge you. He’ll love you for who you are, and that way, you don’t need to compromise on being yourself at all.

13. Sex and more of it!

Yes, having a boyfriend means that your sexual desires don’t need to be suppressed. Plus, you won’t be indulging in sexual activities with random people, which might cause your friends to judge you. You can be with your boyfriend, and enjoy as much sex you want, without feeling guilty or regretful.

14. You’ll have more friends

When your boyfriend introduces you to his friends and colleagues, gradually, your friends circle will start expanding. And if you are new in a city, then this could totally come in handy for you to escape from your lonely times. You’ll be more social, and eventually happier.

15. You’ll experience love

There is no better feeling on this planet than falling in love with someone. Life becomes beautiful when you love someone dearly, and gradually, you start to love the idea of being in love! That is great for your overall wellness and happiness.

So maybe after all these reasons, you might get convinced to date someone. Experience it for yourself, and you’ll know how good it can be to have a boyfriend.

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TAGS: birthdays become more special, boyfriend is fun, fun, More