12 Fun Facts About Diamonds

7. The earliest uses of diamonds were that of to polish axes. Even today, some diamonds are used in industries for grilling and cutting purposes.

8. The most famous diamond in the world is called “Great Star of Africa.” It weighs around 530.2 carats and was discovered in South Africa.

9. The diamonds that exist today are over one million to three millions years old. The first diamonds were discovered almost four thousand years ago.

10. Diamonds are composed of only one element- carbon. And they are found in several colors other than white as well. Some diamonds come in shades of blue, pink and yellow.

11. A diamond has four most important attributes – carat, cut, clarity and color. These four attributes determine the value and worth of a diamond.

12. During the year 1477, Archduke Maximilian of Austria is believed to have gifted the first diamond engagement ring to Mary of Burgundy.

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