12 Awesome Robert Pattinson Quotes

7. “My biggest problem in my life is I’m cheap and I didn’t hire a publicist. In every awkward interview, normally actors get these things scripted.”

8. “I’d read the book and liked the book, but it made me really uncomfortable trying to picture myself in this part. Here’s this guy who seems to be the embodiment of every single perfect guy.”

9. “People don’t find the personal lives of people with much, much more power than any celebrity would have – don’t find their personal lives interesting.”

10. “Having a persona people recognize, it’s the thing that probably gets you paid the most – but it’s also the thing that virtually every actor in the world doesn’t want. ‘Cause, like, no one would believe me if I wanted to play something ultra-realistic, like a gangster or something.”

11. “I’m not one of these guys who’s constantly in a relationship, not at all.”

12. “I’m afraid of buying a house or anything, ’cause if there’s one paparazzi outside for one day, then they’ll never leave.”

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