11 Things to Remember While Breastfeeding Your Baby

7. Prepare a nursing tool kit

Take a bag and fill it with everything that you might need when you nurse. You could put in an energy bar, your mobile, a burp cloth, a refillable water bottle, and something to help with sore nipples.

8. Your milk may not look the same everyday

This usually freaks most moms out but the fact is that the composition of milk changes overtime to meet your child’s nutritional requirements.

9. Relax!

Probably the hardest thing to do when you initially start breastfeeding but it is equally important. Trust your instincts and your body.

10. You too will end up healthier

Not only does breastfeeding help you to bond with your baby, it also offers health benefits. Research suggests that breastfeeding aids in warding off breast and ovarian cancers.

11. Watch what you drink and eat

During the nursing months, make sure you drink a lot of water to maintain the milk supply. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and drugs as they pass into your breast milk.

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