10 Weird Phobias that will Totally Surprise You

6. Pteronophobia – Fear of Being Tickled by Feathers

Yes, this is an actual phobia that some might have. Here people are afraid of getting tickled of feathers. Why this fear? No particular reason. This is just an irrational fear that some may develop because they were tickled when they were babies.

7. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – Fear of Long Words

We know, we know. You find this one to be a tongue twister rather than a phobia. But believe us this is the fear of long words. Sounds funny, doesn’t it? The person who has Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia will also be afraid of the phobia’s name as he’s/she’s afraid of long words!

8. Neophobia – Fear of Anything New

Uhoh. Now you can’t get that iPad if you have neophobia. Imagine the savings someone would do as they don’t get anything new at all! But on a serious note, how can anyone survive without new things surrounding them?

9. Metrophobia – Fear of Poetry

Poetry: the beautiful rhythm of words. Poetry is so wonderful for all those who write it and who read it as well. But unfortunately there is a phobia relating to poetry as well. Metrophobia is the fear of poetry and people having metrophobia don’t like poems.

10. Nephophobia – Fear of Clouds

As a kid, you might have called clouds fluffy, white cotton balls that were floating high in the sky. Those fluffy cotton balls also are associated with a fear called nephophobia. Seems like some people are afraid of clouds too.

Did you have fun reading about all these weird phobias? Let us know.

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