10 Ways to Make New Friends

6. Encourage your friend

You should support your friend in his/her good and bad times and not make fun of him/her in front of others as he/she won’t like it. This can be done by encouraging him/her to pursue their interests.

7. Be trustworthy, reliable and a good friend

Friendship comes with its burdens and you should be ready to take them on your shoulders. Being a friend to someone needs you to keep the secrets as it earns you their trust, and a good friend will support his/her friend in all matters and help him/her out in need. Doing small things like remembering birthdays and doing some activities to please your friend are some things which should be done in order to sustain friendship.

8. Eye contact

Always remember to make eye contact and smile while in the middle of a conversation because that signals that you are interested in the person and you are ready to continue conversing further.

9. Introduce yourself at the end of conversation

After you have had a conversation with a person, make sure to introduce yourself to that person and he/she will respond likewise. These small methods of communication show that you are willing to be a true friend.

10. Don’t pressurize people to be friends with you

After you have met a person for the first time, you might end up meeting each other again and he/she might not respond to you in a very well manner as some people cannot adjust with everyone. Take things slowly and see if the person is still interested in you, and he/she will eventually come up to you in case he/she likes you.

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TAGS: conversation, encourage, eye contact, More