10 Overused Words Which You Must Avoid Using


Honestly, how much “space” do you require! Another cover up to offset awkwardness, you must have said, “Give me some space” or “I need some space!” But your husband / boyfriend has no idea what you mean by “space” and when you know it, please explain to them that it has nothing to do with square feet!


“Gloomy” is one word which still makes sense to some extent! If some place is dark and depressing, it really is gloomy. But women use it even when someone has passed away and during somebody’s boring birthday party! How “gloomy”!


If you love the chocolate pastry, just eat it, for God’s sake! Why do you have to press on the word “Yummy!” after every bite? And when you recall some really tasty stuff you may have had some 10 years ago, what do you call it?


The kid staying next door hates you when you pinch his cheeks hard and cry out “So cute!”. He does not like it at all, not because you pinch his cheeks but because you also call his ugly pet dog, his mother’s sweater, his sister’s rubbish painting and the monkeys in the zoo “cute”!

10. AWWW!

Last but not the least, this is what you say when you can clearly see how many words you have been using all your life without giving much thought to them and then realize how “cute” you are: “Awww!”

“Frankly”, men will always “love” us, no matter how “pervert” they are or how “bullshit” whatever they say sounds, the “space” we share with them in this world is really “cute”! All right, now don’t go “Awww!”

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