10 Natural Skin Care Tips To Make Your Skin Smooth And Healthy

Natural skin care tip #6: Rinse your face a few times in the day

“I wonder why is it that we rinse our faces in the day once in summers only when we’re sweaty?”, Pam exclaimed. “A great natural skin care tip to get clear and smooth skin is to keep rinsing your skin with plain water a few times in the day. This will cleanse your skin of dust particles and foreign objects that you cannot see”, Pam added. “This is a great natural skin care tip that I read in a magazine”.

Natural skin care tip #7: Drink lots of water and have a good diet

“I keep hearing this natural skin care tip all the time, but what exactly do experts mean by a good diet?”, Helen questioned. “That’s a good point, Helen”, Pam said. “To start with, you must drink at least 8 tall glasses of water a day to keep your skin toxin and acne free. And have a diet which is rich in fiber, roughage and vitamins. Eat tons of green veggies, fruits, fish and non-red meats”, Pam explained.

Natural skin care tip #8: Exercise and focus on circulation

“I don’t understand this natural skin care tip of yours, Pam. What has exercise got to do with beautiful and smooth skin?”, Helen inquired. “Haha, that my dear, is the mistake you’ve been making all this time. Just a 15-minute brisk walk or a few cardio moves everyday will keep your blood circulation in good form. The logic is that your blood transfers nutrients to your skin, so it’s important to keep your blood flowing well. Also, sweating it out will help you lose unwanted elements from your skin”, Pam explained.

Natural skin care tip #9: Sleep well

“Before I proceed with this natural skin care tip, I want you to know that beauty sleep is a reality”, Pam said. “To get rid of fatigued skin and ugly dark circles, you must follow the natural skin care tip of sleeping for at least 8 hours a day”.

Natural skin care tip #10: Have moderate exposure to the sun

”Helen, I’ll end my long lecture on natural skin tips with this last important point, if you don’t mind”, Pam said, clearing her throat. “Of course, please go ahead”, Helen replied. “Since you have an IT job, I know that you’re likely to be at your desk for a long time in the day. This practically doesn’t expose your skin to the sun at all, isn’t it?”, Pam asked. “I suggest you take deliberate breaks for coffee and get your Vitamin D refilled!”

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TAGS: acne, beautiful skin, bowel, More