10 Most Annoying Things Men Do

6. Inability to clean after themselves

This goes for leaving the dishes in the dishwasher, the clothes in the washing machine, their clothes on the bathroom floor and the most famous of all – leaving the wet towel on the bed. Do they see the bed as the clothes drying rack or do they think that the towel will dry itself on the bed? Some men never seem to do these simple chores that would make your life easier.

7. Pretending to listen to you

If you have got something important to tell them, for example something related to your work, you come home and just want to start off by sharing it with them. But some men have the habit of nodding or just saying ‘hmm’ a lot of time and in the end when you ask them, “So what should I do now?,” this is the time they do a back flip and say, “Sorry dear, what were you saying?” Isn’t that totally annoying?

8. Reading while in the toilet

Some men find all the important news of the day in the toilet! God knows what it is that fascinates them to read the newspaper in the toilet. Moreover, they take up so much of your time too as they never seem to come out from there soon!

9. Snoring

Oh yes, some of them do snore and it’s really hard to ignore them. You can’t even do anything about it. If you tell them, they don’t want to admit it. Plus, it disturbs your sleep so much.

10. Boozing too much

You don’t mind if they go out and have a couple of drinks with their friends. But if they get too high and someone has to escort them right up to the bedroom, then it’s gone a bit over the top, hasn’t it?

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