10 Inexpensive Ways To Look Beautiful

6. Don’t forget to remove makeup

Cosmetics are meant to give an artificial base to your features. They aren’t meant to stay on your skin for too long. Hence, no matter how tired you are, make sure that you remove all traces of makeup from your face before you go to bed.

7. Stay away from the sun

Avoid the sun as far as possible. Direct exposure to the sun causes your skin to darken, to develop excessive pigmentation, to age faster or sometimes can even result in skin cancer. Whenever you’re out during the day, make sure that you use a good sunscreen lotion with SPF 30. Wear a scarf to cover your face.

8. Sleep

Sleeping for 8 to 10 hours a day relaxes every single muscle in your body. It gives your skin rest. The result is, you wake up in the morning with a fresh and healthy glow on your face. Probably, that is the reason why it is called, “Beauty Sleep”.

9. Drink water

Drinking about 8 to 10 glasses of water alone can get you rid of about 70% of your heath problems. Water acts like a natural cleanser and eliminates all the impurities in your body. Water cleanses, exfoliates and moisturizes your skin, giving it a natural and radiant glow. It improves the complexion of your skin.

10. Smile

Smiling doesn’t cost a penny, yet it gives a beautiful glow to the face. We’re not talking about the artificial, fake smile. We’re talking about the warm genuine smile that reaches your eyes. A smiling face reflects confidence and positivity. Even studies reveal that boys tend to find a smiling face more attractive, appealing and approachable than a frowning face. Need we say more?

Now have you realized, how cool is it to look beautiful without spending much!

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