10 Food Items That Make You Beautiful

4. Honey


sxc.hu: atroszko

Since centuries, people are aware of the fact that honey has the natural power to heal. Apart from healing a number of illnesses, honey works wonders for your skin. Be it an ugly break out on your skin or a red rash, honey is the easiest way to heal anything. Simply apply pure unfiltered honey over your skin and keep it for about 15 to 20 minutes. You will find your skin glowing with time.

5. Bananas


sxc.hu: pachd

Bananas act as natural cleaners for your skin due to their potassium content. They make your skin smooth and soft over time. Similarly, discoloration of skin can be easily repaired using mashed banana. Simply apply mashed banana over the skin of your face and neck and leave it for about 10 minutes. When you wash off, you will instantly find your skin glowing with beauty. Bananas can also be used for your feet. You can simply replace your foot massaging lotion with ripened mashed up bananas for beautiful and healthy feet.

6. Strawberries


sxc.hu: tigress1

To get rid of wrinkles and fine lines that develop on your skin with age, simply substitute facial creams with strawberries. Strawberries are rich in antioxidants that help to get rid of wrinkles and also prevent new wrinkles from coming. Apart from this, the salicylic acid in strawberries helps to get rid of acne and also helps to whiten teeth. For white teeth, simply dip your toothbrush in strawberry pulp before brushing your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes. And for acne-free skin, use mashed strawberries as a face mask daily.

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