10 Dirty Things You Touch Daily

6. Kitchen sponge

This shouldn’t come as a shocker given the fact they do the dirty job of cleaning. It is wet most of the time and its fluid filled micro crevices are hard to disinfect. Imagine germs swimming in there in delight! A good remedy is to microwave the sponge for 60 seconds!

7. Cell phones

Think how adoringly we carry them, flaunt them, cradle between the ear and cheeks for hours! Studies conducted in UK show that the cell phones or the mobile phones are the new age nemesis for its users. Because of the heat it generates, moisture from our body attract thousands of germs which are formed in the cell phones.

8. Bathtub

Though toilets and floor of a bathroom get cleaned regularly, the bat tubs don’t get the rubs as often. The dirt and germs on bathtubs mostly go undetected until someone in the family gets sick with urinary tract infection.

9. TV remote Control

You touch the remote while cooking, your son jumps at it straight back from the play ground, your husband seems to direct all his attention to it once he is home. Point is, a remote control gets all kinds of germs from everywhere and everyone. Add that to your cleaning list now!

10. A shopping cart

Let us not dampen your shopping spree, but because of sweat and constant touch by people, the handles of the shopping cart become full of germs and bacteria.

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