10 Creative Ways to Dump Your Boyfriend

6. Send him a Gift

Receiving a goodbye gift may be confusing to him when he first receives it. Sending him a gift before talking to him eases the problem to a considerable extent.

7. Make Use of Social Networking

With the rapid development of numerous social networking sites, you need not worry about conveying your feelings and thoughts to your boyfriend. This will save you from the trouble of facing him.

8. Start Giving Friendly Vibes

Let your body language do the trick. He will eventually understand that you no longer consider him your boyfriend. He may try to confront you and if he does, break the news to him.

9. Let Someone Else do the Job

Send a professional or a confidante to do the job for you. He may be puzzled and will approach you for an explanation. Stay calm and composed and give him the explanation.

10. Go on a Long Drive

Take him out for a last picnic of all sorts. Let him have a good time and finally break the news to him. Help the situation by saying that you had a nice time too and would want it to stay that way with those last moments. Give him the precise reason why you don’t intend to let the relationship go on and be honest about it.

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